Outsource Your

Data Tasks

Extend your current team or outsource your Data project entirely. Both strategies sharpen focus on your company's core priorities while lowering project risk.

Extend your current team or outsource your Data project entirely. Both strategies sharpen focus on your company's core priorities while lowering project risk.

with partial or complete ownership

Outsourcing Data engineering provides access to specialist resources and knowledge not readily available in-house.

With an outsourced Data engineering team, you can rapidly scale up or down to match the demands of your project.

Outsourced Data engineering can speed up the development process and get products to market faster.

Access to specialised skill sets

Increased scalability

Improved time to market

Access to specialised skill sets

Increased scalability

Improved time to market


Meet our specialists


Machine Learning Engineer

/Team Lead

My main focus is developing a framework used for data forecasting. I'm a team leader and manage work planning to meet client needs.


Data Engineer

My team is getting all product-related data from many different sources into one analytical platform for a major grocery retailer. Technologies used: Scala, Spark, Kafka and Akka Streams.

I’m a software developer in a Greenfield project delivering a new framework for onboarding data from various sources into the client’s platform.


Software Engineer

Machine Learning Engineer /Team Lead

Creating or expanding a project team has turned into a serious business challenge. Growth and technical innovation is nowadays limited by the ability to find the right people having the required skill set and fit to the team. Your project cannot wait? Break the chains of recruiting and unleash the efficiency of near-shoring!

About us

The technical excellence of our engineering team will surprise you. Cultural mismatches or communication problems do not exist. All our team members are used to working in international and virtual project environments and are keen to contribute to our client’s success every day. Benefit from the unmatched flexibility and pricing efficiency that near-shoring stands for. Ask for our rate card today.

Let’s talk

Year helping businesses of all sizes succeed

Best people on board




Long term clientships with top global companies

A few sentences about your product. How it help to solve clientsproblems.It should convince the unconvinced.

A few sentences about your product. How it help to solve clientsproblems.It should convince the unconvinced.

Year helping businesses of all sizes succeed


Long term clientships with top global companies


Best people od board

Stephen Rooke

Director of Software Development at Adstream

"VirtusLab's work has met the mark several times over, and their latest project is no exception. The team is efficient, hard-working, and trustworthy. Customers can expect a proactive team that drives results."



Make smarter technological choices, discover fresh efficiencies, and create and maintain advantages.

Advisory services


How we work


More work than people? Hire our development experts to strengthen your in-house team.

Team extension


Dedicated teams


More projects than teams? Hire one of our dedicated, autonomous engineering teams.

Whole solution delivery


More projects than teams? Hire one of our dedicated, autonomous engineering teams.


Build a scalable, effective Data partnership

A Data engineering partnership can make the difference you are looking for. We’re here to listen and share.

Let’s talk